Case and CATalyst: Fields and Beyond (3.9.2024)
Saturday, March 09, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Category: Events
Seminar Name: Case CATalyst: Fields and Beyond Presenter: Jean Kim Date: Saturday, March 9, 2024 Time: 9 am to 12 pm (3 hours) .30 NCRA CEUs Location: Online via GoToMeeting For more information or to register, go to
Description: To learn how to use Fields to more quickly and efficiently fill in information for standard pages, parentheticals and to address general CaseCATalyst software questions that may come up during the discussion.
Bio: Jean Kim has been licensed since 2010 and has been reporting depositions for the vast majority of her career until 2021, when she started to cover court work. She is a freelance reporter working primarily in Los Angeles, covering all varieties of reporting work. Jean firmly believes in staying current with the most up-to-date technology available to reporters and is the certified independent training agent for Stenograph's CaseCATalyst software for Southern California. Jean Kim offers remote trainings for CEUs for NCRA and LASC credit to reporters new and experienced in the intricacies of CaseCATalyst. She can be found online at
Note to Attendees: It would be great if everyone attending the session had their machine with them so that we can cover both software-specific features and machine/writer-related features.
Attendance verification: Attendees will be required to pre-register. Attendees will be required to enter their first and last names into the GoToMeeting platform. The GoToMeeting platform keeps records of the timing of sign-on and sign-off. Attendees are required to keep cameras on. The administrator will download attendance from the GoToMeeting platform.
Contact: [email protected]