Writing Short, Part 2, and Macros Too! (10.5.2024)
Saturday, October 05, 2024, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Category: Events
Seminar Name: Writing Short, Part 2, and Macros Too! Presenter: Mark Kislingbury Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024 Time: 9 am to 11 am (2 hours)/.20 NCRA CEUs pending Location: Online via GoToMeeting For more information or to register, go to www.laccra.org/laccra-events
Description: Mark will be continuing from his previous presentation on valuable and easy-to-learn shortening methods as well as sharing some of his favorite macros to edit on-the-fly. He will slowly and carefully explain his subjects so that none will be left behind and all will find some things to “take home and use.”
Presentation Objectives: To equip and enable attendees with shorter writing tools as well as simple yet valuable macros to utilize while writing on a laptop.
Bio: The Mark Kislingbury Academy of Court Reporting: Mark started his school in 2011 and today has over 300 students who are a combination of on-site and online. With several dozen graduates, a large number of them graduated in two years or less, and many in just over two years. Mark believes his brief-intensive, short theory, the Magnum Steno Theory, is the key to helping students gain speed quickly and achieve graduation speeds and beyond. His students are performing well in the court reporting field, many of them already providing realtime in their daily work.
Note to Attendees: Please set up your writer and computer.
Attendance verification: Attendees will be required to pre-register. Attendees will be required to enter their first and last names into the GoToMeeting platform. The GoToMeeting platform keeps records of the timing of sign-on and sign-off. Attendees are required to keep cameras on. The administrator will download attendance from the GoToMeeting platform.